Toon Cup 2022

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Game Bugs


มุมมอง 53
บันทึกไว้ 2
ส่วนขยาย .HTML5
ความกว้าง 640
ความสูง 480
ดาว 4
Are you ready for another super fun, cartoon-filled adventure? The Toon Cup 2022 game, the latest installment of the famous Cartoon Network, is here,...

Are you ready for another super fun, cartoon-filled adventure? The Toon Cup 2022 game, the latest installment of the famous Cartoon Network, is here, and it's so much fun! It's all about playing soccer, scoring goals, and having a blast! Are you ready to join your favorite characters like Gumball, Robin, or Ben 10 and compete in the biggest soccer tournament ever?

You are going to be a big-time soccer team captain! You'll choose characters to be on your team, decide which country you're playing for, and then work together to score lots of goals. If you play well and win the matches, you can take your team all the way to the top of the leaderboard! Your ultimate goal is to win the World Cup trophy and collect all the special trophies from the Toon Leagues.


Arrow keys to move.
Spacebar key to shoot/tackle.

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