Frontline Defense - First Assault Hacked

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Game Bugs


มุมมอง 161
บันทึกไว้ 457
ขนาด 2.71 M
ส่วนขยาย .SWF
ความกว้าง 640
ความสูง 480
ดาว 4
Hacked: Unlimited money, health and skill points. The Ultimate Tower Defense Game, and one you can't stop playing. Available Units: Rifleman Turret:...

Hacked: Unlimited money, health and skill points.

The Ultimate Tower Defense Game, and one you can't stop playing. Available Units: Rifleman Turret: small tower manned by a single soldier with a standard issue rifle. Electro Tower: releases a high volatage charge towards nearby enemys. Bio Chemical Tower: possible chance of poisoning the enemy. Poisened enemies will run slower. Shotgun Turret: small tower manned by a single soldier equipped with a 12 gauge shotgun. Heat Ray Tower: this experimental defence tower can cook enemies from a great distance. Ice Tower: fires shards of solid hydrogen - possible chance of freezing the enemy! Frozen enemies will move very slow. Machine Gun Turret: Fires burst's of high caliber rounds. Has no special abilities. Radar Tower: Gives a 20 point range boost to all units within range. Flame Thrower: Possible chance of setting enemies on fire! Warning enemies on fire will run faster! Sniper Tower: This towers higher point of view offers greater visibility. Manned by a single soldier armed with a sniper rifle. Power Amplifier: Gives a 5 point damage bonus to all units within range. Rocket Turret: Slow but powerful - fires homing rockets that pack a punch - Great for slower stronger enemies.

Left mouse to play.

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