Fancy Pants Adventure World 1 Remix

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มุมมอง 1068
บันทึกไว้ 490
ขนาด 10.14 M
ส่วนขยาย .SWF
ความกว้าง 800
ความสูง 525
ดาว 5
The Fancy Pants Adventures is a series of free side-scrolling Flash games created by American developer Brad Borne. Fancy Pants Adventures features...

The Fancy Pants Adventures is a series of free side-scrolling Flash games created by American developer Brad Borne. Fancy Pants Adventures features Fancy Pants Man as the playable character of the series. He is a two dimensional stick figure man with spiky, choppy hair, wearing only a pair of colored triangular-shaped pants, hence his name. "World 1" was the first installment in the Fancy Pants Adventure series and has been released in 2006. It is a platforming game that is focused on speed and momentum. World 1 also introduces various trophies, side goals (squiggles and stars), and a variety of colors and styles of pants for the player to try on. The music in the game is composed by Geier Arnold. World 1 does not seem to have a plot, other than Fancy Pants Man running around the world and accidentally waking an angry penguin from his nap.

Left key Right key to move. 
S key to jump.
Up key to open doors.
Down key to duck.
Space key to pause.

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